Learn how to find that ArchiCAD backup file
Let me show you how!
Not sure what is more frustrating about working in ArchiCAD – when there’s a bug and the program stops unexpectedly or when the little wheel is spinning, and you must bite the bullet and force quit. In both instances, the panic installs as you wonder when you last saved the changes or synched to the BIM cloud file. As a risk-averse person, I like being in control and ensuring I have backup mechanisms in place should the unavoidable occur. In this blog post, I will teach you how to access the local backup when ArchiCAD quits unexpectedly or when you are forced to quit.Â

Is there a backup?
ArchiCAD has inbuilt backup systems, so even if it happens to quit unexpectedly, when you reopen, the ArchiCAD Project Recovery file pops up on the screen, giving you the option to open the recovery file or to delete it. In my experience, when ArchiCAD stops working I am not always prompted to open the recovery file, hence I need to access the backup file manually. Â

To access the backup file, the first step is to ensure that the option is enabled in Project Environment/ Data Safety & Integrity. The default file path is usually Graphisoft folder, but the easiest way is to copy the file path and then paste it in Go on MacOS or in the search tab if you are on Windows. Under Data Safety, you can also check and update your preferences to ensure you are autosaving, choosing the Ultra Safe option, ticking off Back up Copy and setting up a Send reminder if you are working on a Teamwork project.

Opening the backup file
Once you have located the backup copies on your machine, navigate to AutoSave-25/26 etc (this number is your ArchiCAD version) and choose the database.fdb file. The easiest way to recognise that is to look for the larger file at the latest date. Then, drag a copy to where you want to save your backup file. As you can see, this is a .fdb file that cannot be opened with ArchiCAD, therefore, the extension needs to be changed into .pln to make the file accessible. Once that’s been changed, you can see that the file thumbnail has turned into something familiar, the sign that this has become an ArchiCAD readable file. Â
Quick tip: While in this tab, under Integrity, I always choose to Release my reservation when sending changes, to ensure that if I need to quit ArchiCAD in a rush, I don't impede other Teamwork users to continue working while I am offline.
Et voila!
If you had the Ultra Safe option ticked off, then your latest change before the program quit unexpectedly should be there. You can either copy and paste your work into your original ArchiCAD project file or make a Save As from the backup file and continue working on that. It’s that simple. Â
In a nutshell
ArchiCAD has the means to ensure that your data is backed up and that you don’t lose any work. There may be times when that is unavoidable, but as with any risks, they can be controlled and reduced, if they cannot be eliminated. What are your thoughts?